Sawubona Friends
Greetings from Durban. Every beginning of each year we take time out to hear the word of the Lord for our Project. This year was really very special. Our Management Team went for three days to pray and strategize. Our goal was to ask God to speak to us very clearly concerning our Mission for 2023. During these three days we looked back and thank Him for His Great Faithfulness.
We have reached over 33 000 people for the year 2022. We made 10 800 sandwiches. We have trained 107 Sewing students. Our Computer Centre had over 500 kids. We have seen gifts of kind from within our surrounded area with the equal amount of R100 000.
We have asked the Big Question why we are doing what we are doing and what impact do we want to make in Hammarsdale Township in the future. And during our time of seeking God, we could pin down the following.

Four reasons why we desire to do Codah:
- Our CALL is to Go and make Disciples – Matt 28: 19
- God has given us a COMMAND and a MANDATE.
- We want to see people are UPLIFTED and walk into their GOD GIVEN DESTINY.
Codah values:
- Excellence – Daniel 5: 12
• Daniel had a Spirit of Excellence - Consistency – Gal 6:9
• Do not give up when we do not have resources
• Let us Not grow weary in doing good - Growth – Hebrews 6:1 and Luke 8:15
• Expansion, multiplication
• Not just spiritually but in numbers and in perfection - Transformation – Romans 12: 1 – 2, Ezekiel 36:26, Phi1:6
• We just do not want to give bread we want to see significant change
in people’s life’s
Codah vision statement:
Empowering Communities, Equipping Families, Restoring their Dignity, their Identity,
Towards their Destiny in God. Isai 43: 18 and James 1 :27.
Codah missions statement:
CODAH is committed to bring skills training, leadership development and discipleship programs to empower and equip needy communities to thrive in discovering their God given talents.
Operational structure:
- Skills training
- Community health care
- Poor and relief support
- Administration
- Logistics
- The church
- People investment and well being (human recources)
- Programs
Short Update:
CODAH Sewing Project:
We had our friend Jeanette, came all the way from Australia to teach our ladies to make their
very own wrap around skirts.
Friends Thank you for taking the time to read our March 2023 Newsletter.
In closing:
We want to invite you to be part of Children of Destiny at Home by Partnering with us in the following.
- We desperately need Prayer Partners.
- In order for us to do His Work we need consistent Financial Support.
- We will Appreciate any Gifts of Kind (laptops, software, fabric, sewing machines, baking ingredients, clothes, shoes, baby clothes, sanitarian pads. Toiletries, cleaning supplies…
- Acts of Services (plumbers, electricians, builders, IT, motor mechanics, doctors, nurses, English teachers …)
Our Contact Details:
Office Address Mpumalanga Township: Shop 1-5 SBDC Complex Lot 518C
Chairman – Wilson Goeda
Phone: +27 62 039 78 43 / +27 8222 42 322
Banking details:
First National Bank, Account name: Children of Destiny at Home, Account Number: 62 154810595
Cheque Account, Branch Code: 250135, Swift Code: FIRNZAJJ